- FDBC shall form/ create subsidiaries in the country and abroad.
- FDBC can become a member or associate to federations and other associative structures, in accordance with the law, following the decision of the Managing Council, maintaining its own legal personality.
- For its scientific, energy policy, administrative, civil, trade, humanistic activities, as well as in the creation, use and generalized transposition to practice of knowledge, FDBC shall collaborate and request the support of the President of Romania, the Government of Romania and its Ministries, the Romanian Academy, beside other institutions in the field of administration, politics, production, economy, strategy, industry, research and development, science and education from the country or abroad.
- In addition, FDBC campaigns for joint activities with other associations and foundations from Romania and abroad which – through their activities – are close to the Foundation’s goals.
- For attaining its goal and objectives, FDBC shall establish cooperative relations with other entities from the country and abroad, having a similar focus.